Saturday, November 10, 2012

  Today I took a 2.5hr drive with my Mother and Sister to an Antique Mall in Cashmere, Wash.  There was snow on the hills above town and we hit snowfall on most of the drive up there.  It was a belated birthday trip for her.
  At the Mall I found my pink petticoat for next year's Glamping trips.   I also found a pink felt pennant from Ocean City, Wash.  It will look perfect in Lillie.   I also found my "Luggable Loo"... a vintage enamalware chamber pot with a lid.   There were two in the same booth... one a blue rimmed pot and the other red rimmed.  My helpful sister suggested I take the red rimmed one as it had a larger lip.  I wonder what her intentions were?   Hahaha
   I also found some vintage pearl jewelry.  I think they will be fun to play with.
I also think I will paint more black silhouettes around her.  I've got a few ideas in mind.

But we will see. 
:)  Suzy