Saturday, June 30, 2012

   Got started on my slipcovers... got one done enough to test it out.
  Looks ok... I'm not happy about the wrinkles and puckers... but like I said... it's a work in progress.   Then I placed both cushions into the bed and found that they are 8" short of a complete bed.   What's with that???

So... according to the TCT... one member has a 1959 trailer that is the same way.  He says he has an 8" cushion section that fills in the space.  So... looks like I'm gonna have to get an 8" foam section to make into bolsters to fill in.  They cam be bolster pillows when not made into a bed. 
  I'm working on lace curtains that I plan to get finished this weekend.  I've decided my first campout will be on the 4th.  I'm going to head to Spokane again to the Bowl and Pitcher state park and camp out with the grandsons.  Their mother is welcome too.  Their father is working a double shift... so he won't be joining us.   We will have to plan a camp out for all of us together.   Maybe the gold mine over that way.
Tested out the propane gas... the stove top works... the oven works.  I should test the oven for baking... perhaps I'll bake some bisquits today.  I'm packing the essentials... trying to remember what all she will need.  She was totally empty, so I will need to purchase everthing to make a camping trip successful.  I don't want to rob from the Okanagan, The Beast needs to remain ready to take sale if the need/desire arrises.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Went shopping for fabric to make slipcovers for the cushions.  Even though they are in great shape, I wanted them to have some color.  Here is what I found....
It's soft salmon flowers, green and pink.   I have a wonderful Flamingo pillow that will accent it to the max.  I have enough enough fabric to make some throw pillows I'm sure... probably enough to make curtains too, but I think that would be too much.  We shall see.
   The sanding and sealing of the interior wood turned out good.  I've still got a drawer that looks shabby and is in need of some serious work, but that can be done later.
   Before and after pics of one corner....

Before and after of a couple of cupboards.... the one on the left is the before.

My kitchen cupboards over the counter & stove...

I've put the hinges back on the doors, handles on the drawers and re-enstalled them into the trailer.  I've put the back cushion back in and I'm ready for finishing decorating.  My Ice Box needs to be fixed yet, and I will get to that.  But I think I'm ready to start decorating.   I've also put aluminum backsplash up behind the stove.
   Lets talk potty.... this little treasure doesn't have one.  I've seen several revamps inside small trailers that the owners have created a space for their porta-potty tucked into the space under the stove.  I have a drawer there and it wouldn't take much to adjust it into a door and cubby for my PPotty.  
I went to a Tin Can Tourist Vintage Trailer Rally this past weekend, and a couple of small trailers also had this remodel in their trailers.  Here is one in a "Man Cave Trailer"...

I have my work cut out for me... it's not a high priority at the moment... so I've got time to "think about it".
:) Suzy
P.S.  I need to be thinking of a name for her.... I've thought of Myrtle May... Lily.... Star-something or Something-star.   Her colors are salmon, turquoise and now her covers are green/brown/salmon pink.  Must think on it.   :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

   I spent this past weekend shopping for and working on the trailer.  I headed down to the Tri-Cities to check out our RV Supply stores in the area.  I found one that is not large, but can order next day delivery things that I need.  I also went to the Home Depot and found some great trim.  It's about 1inch wide and with leaves etched into it.  I'm thinking the ends trim under the large windows.   I also ended up buying MinWax Danish Finishing oil in Golden Oak.
  Sunday, I sanded some more, wiped with the denatured alcohol.  I then rubbed the MinWax over all the wood surfaces in the trailer.  It ended up smoothing out some of the discoloration which happened from moisture.  It did not hide the dark water stains... I'm thinking tha they are her battlescars... she wears them proudly.   The interior wood does look good tho. 
   The drawers and doors got a good rubbing of MinWax as well.  Some of them absorbed the oil so much and will need to get a second coating.   Today, 24hrs later, the smell of Minwax still lingers, so I've opened the windows a bit more.  I checked the drawers/doors that need extra attention and the flaky varnish that was still there is not smooth.   So I scraped and resanded the pieces, then gave a good rubbing of Den. Alcohol again. 
   I also used the Den. Alcohol and cleaned all the hinges & latches to the doors & drawers.  They cleaned up nicely.  I will post pictures later.
:) Suzy

Thursday, June 7, 2012

  It's been raining this week.  Monday the day was full of sprinkles.  I thought... good.. I'll find out if I have any leaks.  I got home from work and the little lady was quite dry.  Hmmmm.  Good.   The evening progressed to heavy pouring rain.  I went out several times and checked the insides.... the walls/ceiling were dry... no signs of moisture.  Good.  BUT.  The front and back stationary windows had slight moisture in one corner of the window framing.  The wood below was moist.   OK.  I've got a leak or two.  I can handle this.
  So... at 9:00 at night I'm out in the pouring rain, using tent poles and a tarp, covering the trailer, by my self.  I run from one side to the other... inching the tarp over the top one side at a time.  I finally get it all the way across the top and bungie her down.  She is now secure under a tarp.
  We also went Glamping this past weekend.  Unfortunately, Little Trailer was not ready for her maiden voyage.  I took my 1990 Ford Econoline Okanaga Conversion Van Moterhome.   She's a 19 foot and the kids call her "The Beast".  Her licence plate used to be SBY (Sweet Babe of Youth) is what I called her.  Since her new tabs this past year... her licence plad is different and I'm gonna have to think on it.
  We went to Spokane's Farm Chicks Antique show at the Fair Grounds.  It was a fun day.  There were 4 rooms full of Tiques, crafts and lots of stuff for sale.  I found for the trailer a Cute blue vintage electric fan, with 2 speeds and it works.   I also found a PikNik Cooler.  A silver aluminum ice chest with a drawer.  It is a hoot.

   The fan is the wrong shade of blue for my color scheme.... pink/turquoise.  But it will do.  I may repaint it. Maybe... maybe not.
   I have been sanding the woodwork on the interior.  I've even given her an denatured alcohol rub down which loosened up more of the varnish flakes.   My next step is to get a small hand sander with 180 grit sandpaper and get busy.  Then I've read to use Penofin Penetrating Oil on the wood.  According to "The Complete Vintage Travel Trailer Restoration Website:

"Finish with Penofin Penetrating Oil.
One or two coats of this amazing product with a brush and your cabinets will look like new. It is a penetrating oil that will penetrate existing finishes which eliminates sanding the entire trailer. It comes with different tints if you need to match the original stain. And it looks great. " 

 This is my plan.
G'night Campers....
:) Suzy