So... at 9:00 at night I'm out in the pouring rain, using tent poles and a tarp, covering the trailer, by my self. I run from one side to the other... inching the tarp over the top one side at a time. I finally get it all the way across the top and bungie her down. She is now secure under a tarp.
We also went Glamping this past weekend. Unfortunately, Little Trailer was not ready for her maiden voyage. I took my 1990 Ford Econoline Okanaga Conversion Van Moterhome. She's a 19 foot and the kids call her "The Beast". Her licence plate used to be SBY (Sweet Babe of Youth) is what I called her. Since her new tabs this past year... her licence plad is different and I'm gonna have to think on it.
We went to Spokane's Farm Chicks Antique show at the Fair Grounds. It was a fun day. There were 4 rooms full of Tiques, crafts and lots of stuff for sale. I found for the trailer a Cute blue vintage electric fan, with 2 speeds and it works. I also found a PikNik Cooler. A silver aluminum ice chest with a drawer. It is a hoot.
I have been sanding the woodwork on the interior. I've even given her an denatured alcohol rub down which loosened up more of the varnish flakes. My next step is to get a small hand sander with 180 grit sandpaper and get busy. Then I've read to use Penofin Penetrating Oil on the wood. According to "The Complete Vintage Travel Trailer Restoration Website:

"Finish with Penofin Penetrating Oil.
One or two coats of this amazing product with a brush and your cabinets will look like new. It is a penetrating oil that will penetrate existing finishes which eliminates sanding the entire trailer. It comes with different tints if you need to match the original stain. And it looks great. "
This is my plan.
G'night Campers....
:) Suzy
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